April is Earth Month

Despite the recent devastation of the COVID-19 tragedy, there is one thing that we as a planet can certainly take pause to recognize and celebrate:  The fundamental beauty and natural power of this place nearly 8 billion of us call “home.”

As we commemorate Earth Day and Earth Month this April, we can all take joy in coming together to salute our most precious resource—our planet.  This renewable living “host” is one thing that every human being has in common, and the mission to achieve greater sustainability is something all global citizens can embrace.  Despite the travails of 2020, our world still shines brightly and we have every reason—now more than ever—to pay homage to her magnificence.

As an unexpected byproduct of the lifestyle restrictions and “Stay at Home” mandates brought on by the coronavirus, nearly every nation on the globe is currently witnessing unprecedented climate transformation.  Air quality is healthier in many parts of the world for the first time in decades.  Entire nations can now view mountain ranges and horizons that had nearly disappeared from sight due to years of pollution.  Waterways in urban areas appear to be running more clearly.  And, animals in protected habitat areas such as Yosemite National Park—and even in county and state parks—are emerging from the shadows to reoccupy open spaces “claimed” for years by human visitors and a non-stop flow of tourist traffic.  Perhaps these unanticipated, yet positive, changes to our ecology are the one rare silver lining to the unusual times we’re facing.

Today, as ever, Carlisle TyrFil is pleased and proud to honor Mother Earth and to reinforce our commitment to do our part to make our globe a healthier, safer place not just this year…but every year. 

Thanks to the efforts of our network of valued dealers, OEMs and distributors, Carlisle TyrFil’s “One Tote, One Tree” program, which funds the supply, planting and nurturing of seedlings to help expand and rejuvenate U.S. forest land, has made it possible for us all to “give back” to nature in a tangible way.  Through an ongoing partnership with American Forests, Carlisle TyrFil has reinforced its corporate commitment to supporting sustainable resources, and pledged to help regrow the important environmental habitats crucial for the survival and livelihood of our nation’s most endangered natural forests.

We would like to thank our many partners who have embraced “One Tote, One Tree” over the years and who have been a true backbone for this program that has made great strides in helping to maintain domestic forest land.  To date, the campaign, which literally seeds one new tree for every tote of product purchased, has replanted nearly 200,000 trees since it’s inception.  Our team is proud to continue our collaboration with the world’s oldest conservation organization and together we will soon undertake two new reforestation projects in the Indiana/Kentucky and Virginia regions.

In Indiana and Kentucky, Carlisle TyrFil will assist American Forests with its ongoing effort to use innovative forestry techniques to restore white oak forests across beautiful Bourbon Country.  In Virginia, we will work in concert to help re-establish high elevation spruce forests—creating a new habitat for rare wildlife and helping to boost carbon sequestration.

Our partnership with American Forests is part of a long-standing corporate vision to reinforce our natural environment through a combination of business and philanthropic endeavors.  As the world’s leading provider of sustainable polyurethane “foam fill” tire technology, it has been our mission since day one to bring responsible, environmentally sound tire flatproofing solutions to the growing Off-the-Road (OTR) vehicle and heavy equipment marketplace.  Through our eco-friendly materials sourcing, ongoing recycling efforts, and green manufacturing protocols, Carlisle TyrFil is proud to help our global economy grow and prosper, while still respecting our natural heritage.

For more information about the “One Tote, One Tree” initiative and our brand’s alliance with American Forests, please visit www.CarlisleTyrFil.com.

Here’s to you, Planet Earth.  Thank you for supporting our global community and uniting us each April with a renewed foundation for growth—so that we may better weather the changes we face together, in good and in challenging times alike.

Wishing our TyrFil family continued health and safety.

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